The Oil Edit
Maybe you're just learning and are a little overwhelmed on where to begin. 

I was too in the beginning. 

I want to share with you what I've learned and how you can start to make your home a warm, pure sanctuary, starting with just the basics. 

Discover how to create a healthier environment for you and your family, and live a lifestyle of wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Maybe you're just learning and are a little overwhelmed on where to begin. 

I was too in the beginning. 

I want to share with you what I've learned and how you can start to make your home a warm, pure sanctuary, starting with just the basics. 

Discover how to create a healthier environment for you and your family, and live a lifestyle of wellness, purpose, and abundance.
Sign up for an Essential Oils 101 course here!

Meet Mandi Hulsing Wehe

Hello! I’m so happy you’re here. I’m Mandi, a homesteading, homeschooling mama of a curious and energetic little boy, and a steadfast wife of an amazing hands-on husband. I am a strong believer in the power of nature. 
In 2012 when I became pregnant with my son, my outlook on everything began to shift. After fourteen years in the comfort of a corporate job in the fast-paced fashion industry, I made the tough decision to change career paths in order to focus on the life I wanted to build with my family. I became a business owner of a cute childrens’ resale shop in Leucadia, California, which I owned and operated for three years. I began taking more time to research and understand product choices including what we put on, and in, our bodies, what household products we were using, and if there was any way I could do better in keeping our environment clean and toxin-free. 

When I was introduced to Young Living I had already begun using over-the-counter essential oils in place of synthetic fragrances. I had no idea that such a difference in quality existed, and that pure, unadulterated oils had the power to provide true wellness when properly used. 

The first time I turned to oils instead of the typical bathroom cabinet was when my husband had a bad sunburn. The lavender and frankincense combination helped his redness subside in record time. Diffusing calming oils made sleep better for all of us (with a newborn, that was pretty ideal). Tummy and digestive issues became easily tackled with the most basic oils on hand. Naturally, I felt compelled to share these success stories. This led to countless positive results in real time as other people were able to lean turn to this plant based support for optimal health and stronger immunity. 

Young Living is not only the leader of the essential oil industry but a lifestyle brand with so many other products. This has opened the gate for creating a chemical-free household. Eating cleaner, and switching out synthetic products for natural alternatives has been an eye opening and life changing experience for the better.  

It didn’t happen overnight, but we have successfully rid our home of harmful chemicals completely. It started with the elimination of anything containing the word fragrance, including my beloved candles and cosmetic products, then we moved throughout our home, one room at a time (kitchen, laundry, bathrooms, etc). We now only use these plant-based molecules to keep my family’s immune system boosted and our home purified naturally. 

Young Living oils, household products, and nutritional support have become an integral component to keep our immune systems strong and robust. The continuous education and daily testimonies of lives changed for the better, gives me endless inspiration to share and educate others. If you, too, want to experience the powerful and positive effects of a natural lifestyle, all it takes is the first step. 

Throughout this journey, I’ve been blessed to build a home-based business that allows me the freedom to work from anywhere, travel, homeschool, and continuously develop relationships with an amazing empowered community sharing the same passion for health. Young Living has changed my life in so many ways, and I am absolutely honored to be a guide to anyone who wants to learn more.
